
The nano is...

I don't know what to think of the nano yet.

I like the fact that it has a color screen. And is flash-based. But I don't like how thin and long it is. I prefer my iPod the thickness of my mobile phone and about the size of a credit card, not the size of a RAZR. And the click wheel is a bit absurd looking. And how about the fact that the headphone jack is on the bottom and there is no remote port! Fucking ass.

The iTunes phone will get better. Just wait. It'll get better.

I'm currently downloading iTunes 5 on a slow ass connection, so I'll see how that is in a minute. But I like how it looks.

iTunes 5 is amazing. I love it look of it. I love how I can make folder now. I love how I can make it shuffle the way I want it to. I love the look of it again. It's great.

Definitely better than the nano.

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