
I took away my shuffle's virginity tonight.

I was getting out of my car and it just happened to slip out of my hand. It smacked face down onto the concrete. A few dents into the plastic on the edge towards the top of the shuffle and one on the cap. Surprisingly, I don't notice the dents that much and I can't feel them at all.

I really do need to get a case for it. I may look at the Apple Store tomorrow in Woodfield. Or find a way to get the dents out of the plastic, which probably isn't going to happen. I knew I would drop it at some point and damage it, so it's not as traumatizing as it could've been, but I'm anal about how my stuff looks, especially my Apple products. If I was anal enough, though, I would return this shuffle to the Apple Store, wait a few days, and go buy a new one.

But I'm not that anal about it.

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