
A little bit of me died inside today.

Now that the PowerPC is out the door at Apple, I've seen the passing of TWO processor eras. I've gone from 680x0 to PPC and now from PPC to Intel. In a way, it's depressing.

I've seen Apple change so much over the years, and I'm only 18. I've loved this company all my life and will never leave it behind. An Apple tattoo is high-ranking as my first. I've never been so devoted to anything in my life.

But now that Intel processors have taken over the Mac and Apple has released some hideously named laptop (MacBook!!! BLAH!!!) and replaced my beloved PPC, I've died a bit inside.

I remember the burnt bunny commercials. I remember the first G3. I remember the days before the iPod.

And I miss those days a bit.

But we all move on.

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